Monday, February 15, 2016

Enthusiastically Participating

At school, instead of regular homework, EMM's class has sheets with projects that they can complete and submit to their teacher on their own time.  One thing kids like about "enthusiastic participation" is the variety of activities there are to choose from.  In this picture, EMM is posing with a cabbage as part of some homework at the grocery store - finding a piece of produce that weighs in at exactly two and a half pounds.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Be My Jiggly Valentine

Nothing says love like red jello hearts! These guys definitely love them, that is for sure. It was just us hanging out while dad was on a business trip, but we kept in touch over the phone and sent Dad our love.  We even made him a Valentine's photo scavenger hunt he could do on his trip, but he did not have a lot of time to get it in.